10. Oración /Prayer, 2022 (From Transverberacines exhibition, 2022-2023)
Soundscape: A walk around the temple in Bodgaya, India. Tumbonas/ Deck chairs. Video, 43 min.

Mahabodi is the temple known as the place where the Buddha became enlightened. Bodhgaya, where it is located, is said to be the navel of the world and no other place on earth could bear the weight of the Buddha's merits. It is a place of pilgrimage where a large number of people gather in continuous prayer. As the ritual of circumambulating the temple is carried out, prayers are heard in multiple Asian languages, a soundscape of sacred conversations.
Teresa de Avila, the great saint and mystic born in 1515 considered her continuous conversation with God as her fundamental practice. In her writings, water –represented here as an image to rest the eyes while listening to the landscape– is a fundamental sacred element that represents divine grace. (John 4:11 da mihi aquam)